JLPT Taisaku 3# 然も/しかも/shikamo
moreover; furthermore, nevertheless; and yet
The road across the mountain was narrow, and what's more, it was a steep slope.
She has beauty and what passes for intelligence.
He speaks French and that very well.
Video form.
These sentence examples have come from jisho.org
Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed the blog post! I'm a language consultant for Japanese people learning English. I’ve been a translator in JPN - ENG for more than 10 years which is the reason I became a consultant. I made an eBook for people who are learning Japanese that want to save a lot of time learning the language. I know it’s very apparent that Japanese takes a very long time to learn if you don’t know where to start. That’s why I made a book on all the experiences and hurdles I’ve experienced that you can avoid. If you want my book for free all you have to do is subscribe to my blog. I make videos on Japanese and English expressions and I also make those meanings very clear to learners on my blog.
I’m very passionate about this so I want to share as much as I know or will know. By signing up there will be a link to a discord with people who want to language exchange in Japanese and English. There you will find the book for free to download. If you like the book please leave a review so I can make the next book even better. I appreciate the ones that do this and I’ll add those reviews to my latest video.
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